Modern Anti- Slavery Policy

Dewpoint Group engages with our clients to understand their needs and have a focused, professional approach to deliver practical outcomes.

Dewpoint primarily focusses on the Mechanical Building Services Industry and our experience includes the Health, Retail, Commercial Office, Laboratory, Education and Residential sectors. Our team has extensive experience working on Tier 1 projects.

Dewpoint is bound by the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Act) and will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all officers, employees, agents, and suppliers (including subcontractors) are made aware of and understand Dewpoint obligations as well as their own obligations under the Act.

Modern slavery occurs where coercion, threats or deception are used to exploit individuals and undermine or deprive them of their freedom.

Modern slavery involves serious exploitation. It does not extend to substandard working conditions or underpayment of workers, although those practices may be present in some situations of modern slavery or may escalate into modern slavery if left unaddressed.

Practices that may constitute modern slavery include human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, debt bondage, deception recruiting for labour or services and child labour involving slavery or hazardous work. Dewpoint will work proactively to address the risk of modern slavery within its supply chains and operations as follows

Human Rights
All Employees shall be treated with dignity and shall not be subjected to suffer any harassment, physical or mental punishment or other forms of abuse. Dewpoint promotes effective employee engagement throughout our operations and welcome open sincere feedback from employees on all matters of the company’s business interest.

Dewpoint employs a grievance policy, which is transparent, equitable and predictable to enable the remediation of any abuse of human rights and its impacts that may arise in its operations.

Child Labour
Dewpoint is committed to ensuring compliance with all employment law requirements with respect to those who are under the age of 15. The business will endeavor to include the child’s parent or legal guardian with respect to any employment management processes.

Forced Labour
The Company does not engage in or support the use of forced or compulsory labour, or bonded/involuntary prison labour. Employees are free to leave at any time but are expected to provide reasonable notice in line with their individual contracts of employment or industrial instrument.

All employees provide their services to the Company on an entirely voluntary basis, and no one shall be forced to remain in their employment against their will.

Supply Chain
To assist in risk identification, Dewpoint will actively seek to improve its understanding an oversight of all tiers of its supply chains. Dewpoint will make avoidance of modern slavery a condition of all supply chain contracts, with a breach being grounds for termination or suspension (pending resolution of the breach).

Throughout the operations, Dewpoint is committed to ensuring we implement processes and controls to ensure all workers recruited and retained by Dewpoint and its supply chain are treated fairly, with dignity and respect, in keeping with all relevant laws and our own ethical and moral standards.

Dewpoint will communicate this policy to its employees, suppliers (including subcontractors) and business partners at the commencement of the relationship and will reinforce this policy as appropriate thereafter.

The Directors at Dewpoint are responsible for ensuring this Policy complies with the company’s legal and ethical obligations. Management employees at all levels are responsible for ensuring those reporting to them understand and comply with this Policy.

Dewpoint encourages the reporting of concerns and will support anyone who raises genuine concerns in good faith under this policy, even if the concerns ultimately prove to be unfounded. Concerns about modern slavery are to be reported to the modern slavery officer (Director).